
  • I am like a bear…

    Which animal would you compare yourself to and why? I have powers and tastes like a bear: I eat most things, I can work hard or lumber around for my aims and ambitions, but I can also be less ambitious and rest on my laurels. I am protective, curious, and sometimes clumsy, like a bear.…

  • Nerves

    What makes you nervous? Thieves in the night Dictators and their killers and starvation by day Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot Drunk drivers, like Carlos Nuñez, Who killed my buddy last month Leaving behind the sweet girlfriend Death which took the young mother Sudden death that took the young small child All too true this…

  • Too much TV too often

    How do you unwind after a demanding day? And food and drink can be excessive. But, naps can be good.

  • Family, Friends, Thoughts

    How do you use social media? Too many scammers are finding me through it…

  • So Many!

    Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you. One of the proofs to me that God is aware and cares for us. So many to choose from… I was working overseas, delayed for a plane flight, sitting with my bags in tow. I struck up a conversation with a fellow…

  • I Decided to Love my Neighbors

    Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow. That decision to love and help others has helped me have better thoughts and feelings towards others, which ultimately helps me grow, learn, and accept myself and others more. Win/ win!

  • Never say Never

    What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why? Some places deep beneath the earth’s crust and the deepest parts of the ocean would be places to avoid. Other than that, under the right circumstanced, I am game for the arctic, the tundra, North and South Korea, you name it. I will…

  • Dad and Mom support

    Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you. Both my parents supported me greatly over the years. I try to show them love, respect, and deference.

  • Hopefully living, giving

    Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 2034? I want to he in conditions to be able to financially and physically travel and serve, perhaps for my faith or others. Money is a big thing. I want to write and maybe help some people produce stories and music, making money or no. Let’s hope…

  • Lady and Wimen

    Describe something you learned in high school. I learned I can think way too much about a girl or woman, and sometimes that can be less productive, and unbalanced. Also from those times I learned that I have to get my questions answered, even if the teacher is a codger and won’t explain what he…

  • Playing

    What’s the most fun way to exercise? Dancing, getting romantic, hiking. Playing a competitive sport and winning and losing can be exhilarating. Most fun.

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