
  • I am like a bear…

    Which animal would you compare yourself to and why? I have powers and tastes like a bear: I eat most things, I can work hard or lumber around for my aims and ambitions, but I can also be less ambitious and rest on my laurels. I am protective, curious, and sometimes clumsy, like a bear.…

  • Dune – A Novel Novel

    Many of us in the 1970s were blown away by Star Wars (A New Hope). It was a remarkable film experience; the traditions of it continue now deep into the 2020s. Not bad. It is a mainstay and a fan favorite. It is huge. I became aware of the Dune book and its series in…

  • Hello World!

    Welcome to WordPress! This is your first post. Edit or delete it to take the first step in your blogging journey. I thought that I already wrote about Artistic Musings and how we planned on writing, discussing, critiquing movies and art related to them, including history and culture. I hope that we enjoy it…

  • Artistic Musings

    This will be an ongoing blog about art in many venues. We will discuss movies and film, sprinkled with commentaries on the directors and actors and other artists that create those pieces, plus authors and writers and history that interweave the overall narrative. I have some limited experience in some of these forums. We look…

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